One of the most important goals a singer should aim for is the ability to sing melodic phrases through different registers without experiencing what is known as a "break" in the voice. The exercises in this video will help you greatly in this regard. The importance of building the tone of your voice can also not be overemphasized, because this vocal tone is the sound that is heard by your listeners whenever you sing. So, the better, fuller and clearer it sounds, the more desirable it would be to listen to you sing.
As you follow along with the vocal exercises in the video, try not to force or stress yourself. If you have to force anything, then there is a problem somewhere. Also remember to take in sufficient breath in the proper manner before each repetition, and avoid any tension while singing.
Feel free to ask questions regarding anything that isn't clear to you. I'd be glad to get back to you.
Till next time...
⚙️ Links To Essential Studio Gear For 2020:
👉 Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen:
👉 Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 3rd Gen:
👉 Akai MPK Mini MK2 MIDI Controller:
👉 Alesis V61 USB MIDI Controller:
👉 Arturia Keylab 88 MIDI Keyboard:
👉 M-Audio Hammer 88 MIDI Keyboard:
👉 Presonus Eris E3.5 Studio Monitor:
👉 Shure SM58 Dynamic Microphone:
👉 Mackie Pro FX12 USB FX Mixer:
👉 Behringer Xenyx 802 USB Mixer:
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⚙️ My Studio Gear & Accessories:
👉🏽 Microphones:
Sterling Audio ST55 Class A FET:
Behringer B2 Pro:
Shure SM57:
👉🏽 Microphone Stand:
Bayerdynamic Boom Stand
Dr Pro Mic Stand:
👉🏽 Cables And Leads:
Sommer Cable with Neutrik connectors:
👉🏽 Mixing Console:
Yamaha 02R96 V2
👉🏽 Audio Interfaces:
Focusrite Scarlett 18I20 Gen 2:
Focusrite Scarlett 18I8:
👉🏽 Headphones:
Bayerdynamic DT770 Pro 80OHM:
Audiotechnica ATH M50:
👉🏽 Studio Monitors And Speakers:
Adam A7 Monitor Speakers:
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