Besides, it’s always either too hot or too cold inside airplanes, and it looks like those air vents above the seats are made just to blow us away or at least make us catch a draft. Well, if you usually shut them, you'll be interested to know that it's quite the opposite.
What can you do to protect yourself from a virus? 1:19
What you’d better not do onboard the plane:
- Don’t eat food that has fallen on a tray table 2:32
- Don’t use blankets 2:56
- Don’t touch the flush button 3:10
- Don’t fall asleep at the window 3:23
- Wear jeans or trousers and not shorts 3:41
- Don’t put any food into the pocket of the seat 4:08
- A seatbelt is another very dirty thing in the cabin 4:25
- Seats closer to windows are dirtier than those in the aisle 4:35
- Don't wear contacts 4:52
Why the air is so dry inside the cabin 5:59
Other videos you might like:
11 Things You Should Avoid Doing on the Plane
Why Planes Don't Fly Over Antarctica
13 Hygiene Things We Learnt to Do Wrong
#onboard #virus #brightside
Music by Epidemic Sound
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