M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery)
Dezire Clinic Pvt Ltd | +91 9272007896
dezireclinicindia@gmail.com | +91 9222122122
Pune | Delhi | Bangalore | Gurgaon
Breasts growth initially occurs during puberty and its growth is directly related to the level of estrogen and progesterone hormone. Breast sizes are not same for every female some have got smaller breast size; some have moderate breast size while some have got larger breast size. The reason for bigger and fuller breasts in women is mainly the fluctuations in the level of estrogen and progesterone hormone, weight gain or genetics.
Patient has come to Dezire clinic to get her breast reduction surgery done. She tells that she was facing lot of problems such as back pain and shoulder pain because of her breast size. She tried exercises for reducing her breast size but she didn’t got any result from it. In her breast reduction surgery, a puncture hole is made at the crease of her breasts and tumescent fluid is injected through a metal cannula. The metal cannula is connected with drain pipes for collecting the emulsified fat in jars. The emulsified fat is connected in the gas jars.
If you also worried about your breast size and you want to get it reduced. Visit Dezire Clinic for your breast reduction surgery. This clinic uses the world’s most recent and advance technique for breast reduction which is hi-def VASER liposuction which reduces fat and gives a proper contour to your breasts. Just visit any branch of Dezire clinic located in Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune, Ahemdabad and Bangalore. For more details call us on +91 9222122122
Why choose Dezire Clinic For Your Treatment ?
Dezire Clinic is the best female breast reduction surgery clinic in India. When comes to “Cosmetic, Laser and Hair transplantation”. Why to us? Because we are patient orientated and doing our best to provide desired results to Client. We perpetrate to give the best treatments and services to our patients. A team of Dezire Clinic make sure that patients get the 'homely atmosphere'. We not just care for our patients well, but also pay full awareness to their caretaker.
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