
Little Tissue, Big Mission | Beating Heart Muscle Tissues to Ride Aboard the ISS

Little Tissue, Big Mission | Beating Heart Muscle Tissues to Ride Aboard the ISS Johns Hopkins researchers will send heart muscle tissues, contained in a specially-designed tissue chip the size of a small cellphone, up to the microgravity environment of the International Space Station (ISS) for one month of observation. The project, led by Deok-Ho Kim, an associate professor of biomedical engineering and medicine at The Johns Hopkins University and School of Medicine and the project’s principal investigator, will hopefully shed light on the aging process and adult heart health. Read more at and

Johns Hopkins Hospital,Johns Hopkins Medicine,Promise of Medicine,Baltimore (City/Town/Village),Maryland (US State),international space station,NASA,cardiomyocyte,contractile force,medicine in space,heart muscle tissue,effects of space travel,

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