
Shut the Fuck Up-The Purely Bullshit on Burnt Toast Edition, March 7, 2020

Shut the Fuck Up-The Purely Bullshit on Burnt Toast Edition, March 7, 2020 Good Morning, Ungovernables! It's amazing what media outlets are "credible" when they are printing shit that is in line with your opinions.

My policy is to believe not one fucking word coming out of the mouths of the present government, and that would included the Orange Scourge, his appointees, his man servants, his woman servants, anybody in the House or the Senate. In short, not one fucking soul in Washington or their advisors.

"We're creating jobs!" "Vote, vote, vote and we'll fix everything!" Take a look at the minimum wage by state. In 2005, I started working at Starbucks for $8.00 an hour. After NINE YEARS OF WORK I managed to leave making $11.34 an hour. I dare you to fucking tell me how you raise a family or pay your rent on that shit.

What they are serving you every day is Bullshit on Burnt Toast. It's the only thing on their menu. Eat it, or shut the fuck up.



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