


What (and When) I will be doing this :
1. Hey guys! I am finally ready to announce my 200 Follower Special stream. We hit 200 followers 2 weeks ago and since then, I have planned something very special for it. I will be trying to raise $100 for “The Michael J. Fox Foundation || For Parkinson’s Research”.
2. I will be doing a 12 hour Charity stream raising money for “The Michael J. Fox Foundation || For Parkinson’s Research” in Honor of my Father who has Parkinson’s disease on April 18th (the Saturday after Easter) from 10am EST to 10pm EST.
3. For most of the stream, I will be playing :
The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild : Master Mode (this just makes it harder and gives the enemy more health.)
4. For Part of the Stream, I will be playing Wii Sports with my Father. It will take place whenever my Dad feels up to being on stream and isn’t too stiff. We will be playing and talking about how Parkinson’s disease has affected his life.

Why I will be doing this :
1. For my 100 followers special stream, I had a few friends over and just had a really good time. Now, I have 200 followers. I am still a SUPER small streamer, but I do feel like I do have a community at this point. There are regulars who watch the stream and a good amount of people know my stream. This has lead me to feel like I have enough followers to have a successful charity stream. I also held a spontaneous charity stream a few months back when I had 150 followers for “Team Trees” and I was able to raise $50. That stream was just out of no where with no build up or donation incentives. I feel that with 200 followers, build up and better PR about it, and donation incentives, I’ll be able to hold a successful stream and raise at least $100.
2. My Dad, John, first went to the Doctor about having Parkinson’s symptoms when I was 2 years old. On the date of the stream, I will be turning 18 in a month. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s when I was 3 years old. I never got to know my dad before Parkinson’s personally. I have been told stories about how lively and happy he was, how he’d do anything to cheer up my siblings, and was overall, an amazing guy. Even with Parkinson’s, my dad is my hero and my main inspiration, but it is just different from what my older siblings know of him before it all. Every day, I have to help my dad doing simple daily tasks, from dressing, to eating, to even walking from one room to another. He has not driven in a few years and he doesn’t work anymore as well. I know he wishes he could do more, but it is coming to a point that people need to do things for him. Even so, he still snowplows for single lady neighbors, who physically can’t themselves. I want to do this to give back to him for everything he has done for me and countless others. If I can do anything that would allow a kid like me, to at least be able to get to know his father before Parkinson’s, I’d do everything I could to allow that to happen. That is one of the many reasons why I am doing this.

As stated before, I will be raising money for “The Michael J. Fox Foundation || For Parkinson’s Research”. My father has Parkinson's so I thought it would be best if he was the one to choose the organization I raised money for. I sat down with him and we watched a few Parkinson Charity's Videos and he chose “The Michael J. Fox Foundation || For Parkinson’s Research”. He especially liked how their website states, “The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today.”

I am doing the Charity Stream on the 18th of April to allow for the most amount of people to be able to show up for the stream. I wouldn't want to do it Easter weekend and then have nobody be able to show up and support the stream. That is also why I will be streaming for 12 hours. My timezone is EST, but many of my viewers are in different timezones so this gives plenty of time for people to find a time that they can stop by and watch the stream, if they'd like.

At first, I had a hard time figuring out what game I was going to play for 12 hours on stream. I couldn't decide so I headed over to r/Parkinsons and asked them. They suggested that I stream The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild. I am not just playing BotW because it is an amazing game ( even though it is ), but because it has a meaning behind it. While I, a healthy teenager, can easily grasp the controls of BotW, many people with Parkinson's cannot. Their disability doesn't allow them to easily hold a controller and focus on performing multiple button actions quickly or simultaneously. I am playing BotW to show that most people with Parkinson's are unable to play video games with "complicated" controls. I'd imagine that there are even people out there who are gamers.


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