
THE AUTISTIC WAY OF SOCIALIZING - A completely UNIQUE 'Attachment' style

THE AUTISTIC WAY OF SOCIALIZING - A completely UNIQUE 'Attachment'  style Autistic interaction with people don't fit in any box and attachment styles fail completely in that regard. Facial interaction for autistics is really quite different - we tend to rather look at objects that are attached to the person, and recognize those objects again at the next meeting. But we will most likely walk past a person on the street without recognizing them because of facial blindness.

Autsim & EXPOSURE ANXIETY - Non-Invasive Indirect Approach

Autism and Meaning Blindness for kids - by Donna Williams

Secondary and Tertiary Gaslighting

Temple Grandin Is Revolutionising The Way We Treat Livestock

Horse Language & Warnings People Miss

Autistics being exploited because of their social naiveté

AUTISTIC WAY OF SOCIALIZING,donna williams,Richard grannon,

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