
Trump says travel restrictions to and from S. Korea, Italy 'not right time'

Trump says travel restrictions to and from S. Korea, Italy 'not right time' 트럼프, 한국 등 여행•입국제한 조치 질문에 "적기 아냐"

U.S. President Donald Trump has wrapped up a press conference within the past hour on the COVID-19 outbreak, the U.S. response to it... and the global implications of the virus.
For more on this, let's turn to our Yoon Jung-min at the News Center.
Jung-min, President Trump spoke for around 15 minutes at the White House then took reporters' questions a bit later. What did he have to say?
Mark, When asked about whether the U.S. is going to restrict travel to and from South Korea and Italy,... President Trump said he may do that at the right time,... BUT that's not now.
The President said they're checking many people coming in from South Korea, Italy and China which are among the worst-hit countries at the moment.
Joined at the podium by a team of senior U.S. health officials, President Trump said his administration is doing well in dealing with the coronavirus.
He said the U.S. has stopped non-U.S. citizens from coming into America from China,... while they're screening people coming into the country from infected areas.
They have also tightened quarantine.
President Trump added the U.S. is rapidly developing vaccines,... and is working with other countries to contain the virus.
He said the coronavirus risk in the U.S. is low,... and said there are only 15 confirmed cases,... but U.S. health authorities have earlier said the confirmed cases are 59.
He added one is in critical condition,... but most patients in the U.S. are recovering.
Trump added he had a long talk Chinese President Xi Jinping,... and said the situation there seems to have calmed down.
He also announced he is charging Vice President Mike Pence with leading the U.S. coronavirus response, saying "he's got a certain talent for this."
Pence said the Trump administration will support state and local governments with full resources.
The CDC representative also said vaccines are in development,... and they are securing protective equipment,...such as faces masks.
The president also said his administration is working with Congress for financial support to battle the coronavirus.
The amount of money is expected to be at least two-point-five billion dollars and perhaps as much as eight billion dollars.
Back to you.

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