
Are you sick in the Soul, tired of living in sin?

Are you sick in the Soul, tired of living in sin? Saturday 22nd February 2020

Are you sick in the Soul, tired of living in sin?

Luke 5:31-32 KJV
*And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. [32] I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.*

Sin is a snare used of the devil to trap people and make them ineffective. Sin will cause a person to settle for less than what he can get. Sin will keep a person away from the presence of God in fear of judgment. Take a look at Simon in Luke 5 after a great catch instead of saying thank you Jesus. Simon felt like he was not deserving of such a blessing and feared that the presence of Jesus was going to expose him so he says master depart from me because I am a sinful man.

Sin will cause a person to lead a life of constant fear. Jesus says to Simon fear not from today you shall catch man. The reason why God would save a sinner is such that the saved sinner should then reach out to other sinners and bring them to the knowledge of Christ. Just like Simon you are saved to serve others. You don't have to be perfect to follow Jesus but I promise you one thing he won't leave you the same way.

If you are sick in the Soul (sinner) which we all are the Bible says that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The Bible even goes on to say that he who says has no sin is a lier. Are you in need of healing (saving) which is the redeeming of the Human soul from an empty way of life. Jesus came to deliver us from sin and its consequences. God doesn't want us to lead a life of fear which is a product of sin.

When you find yourself in fear and putting yourself in situations trying to please your unsaved relatives and friends remember that Jesus saved you in order for you to serve them. Your job is not to please them but to make your light shine so bright that they will see and glorify your father who is in heaven. Jesus came to call sinners to repentance and for the repent sinner to lead other sinners to him.

Jesus ate with publicans {tax collectors these people were hated by many because of the nature of their job which made them harsh in their conduct and cared less about the well being of the people. This in a way discribes the Zimbabwean Government which cares less about the well being of the people.} and sinners he makes it really clear that he didn't come for the righteous.

If you feel like you are sick in the Soul and tired of living in Sin then emback on a quest to position yourself in the presence of the Lord. That you may receive the appropriate treatment for your soul that frees you from the power of sin. King David says I have hid thine word in my heart that I may not sin against you.

- that you will not keep away from God during trying times rather you will go to Jesus for rescue.
- that you will not walk if the fear of judgment and condemnation.
- that you may arise and beginning to share the saving faith in Christ with others.
- that you may take it the word of God and keep your heart from sinning.

Message from
Stanley Kujokera | +263774131396


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