
Experience & Embody Dragon Sophia's Creation Energy as Divine Mother's Balanced Love.

Experience & Embody Dragon Sophia's Creation Energy as Divine Mother's Balanced Love. -- About Laura --
We are all Divine Love incarnate, multidimensional eternal Source-Essence beings at various stages of remembering, living and creating reality based on that Truth.

My particular focus at this time is as a spiritual intuitive, quantum holographic alchemist, consciousness pioneer and evolutionary catalyst. I have developed gifts of energy healing, divine alchemy, light language and channeling of Source energy, DNA light code activations and cosmic consciousness.

Often beyond my mental understanding or direction, my inter-dimensional energy functions as a universal key, connector and portal to Source that allows people to go beyond belief and matrix conditioning to access and experience more that’s available now in multidimensional totality and New Earth potential.

My videos share Source energies and cosmic perspectives. For the greatest benefit, I encourage you to enter your heart space, relax and listen without trying to understand light language, but to simply feel and experience expansive and unifying cosmic love frequencies with an open receptive heart. I invite you to listen frequently throughout the day, in meditation or as you fall sleep. Just stay present and pay attention to what you notice within your body and your life in the moment, days and weeks ahead! The Zero Point is the Source-Core of your Sacred Heart. That Void Space is the Cosmic Heart and paradox where All and Nothing reside as One, so its best to engage these videos with no expectations, and also to expect miracles!

If you enjoy these cosmic energy video shares, you may want to visit my website at and consider signing up to my email list to stay in touch. I would also love to hear from you if you have an experience you would like to share as a result of watching these videos.

There is a difference between entertainment and entrainment. While you may enjoy and be entertained by these recordings, these energy words, tones, light code activations and songs encode, entrain and attune you to Source-Love and Cosmic Light frequencies, aligning you with the Source within. They are indeed blessings in holographic time-release capsules that can awaken you to greater soul awareness, gifts, divine essence qualities and multidimensional totality. You are the doorway to The New Earth and All is here now and available to humanity through the gateway of the Sacred Heart.

-- Channeled Message about Language of Light recordings --
"The Light Languages carry a crystalline imprint that is able to absorb wave forms that enhance the sound recording. Such enhancements allow the listener to draw the sound into their hearts in full acceptance. The questioning mind does not interfere when sound is absorbed directly into the heart. Programs of Higher Light are embedded within the recorded sound fragments. The sound is lifted into higher frequencies than can be recognized by the hearing or mind functions. This works according to aligned intent."

-- Benefits of Listening to The Language of Light --
• Releases Blocks to Healing while activating the remembering of your true origins and soul nature as a divine spiritual being of Love and Light. As sound and tones release old blocks and open your body to its natural flow, Higher Light programs are able to easily flow in and fill the void created by such releases.
• Accelerates Healing - The Language of Light communicates directly with the heart, soul, DNA and body consciousness, bypassing the ego/mind processes that resist healing, question if you deserve healing or doubt the possibility of a healing. It offers an accelerated path of ease and Grace that is always perfect for you because it is orchestrated by your higher self. Everything you need is already within you. Light Language helps you remember and removes debris blocking you from restoring your original soul blueprint.
• Cellular Re-patterning & Enhanced Psychic Awareness - It is pure energy, pure sound and pure communication. It offers divinely encoded messages of Love and Light for healing and transformation at the deepest levels of cellular re-patterning and consciousness evolution. Your intuition is enhanced as the veil thins as a result of such transformation.
• Activates Light Codes, DNA and Spiritual Blueprints for Ascension - These multidimensional energy codes, transmissions and geometries accelerate your personal journey of soul evolution by helping raise your vibration to carry higher light frequencies and opening you to greater possibilities and expanded intuitive awareness.

laura pieratt,Cosmic Conscousness,New Earth,Divine Alchemy,Light Lanuage,Channeling,Light Codes,Zero Point,DNA Activations,Multidimensionality,Source Love,

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