
WHO says most coronavirus cases ‘mild’

WHO says most coronavirus cases ‘mild’ In a study of Chinese data, experts at the World Health Organization found that 82% of coronavirus patients show only mild symptoms. WHO experts said that 15% of virus cases are severe, and only 3% are considered critical. Although the new virus is less deadly than SARS, Taiwan experts warn that it can still cause serious damage. That''s because many of the infected people have symptoms so mild they can go about their everyday lives and potentially spread the virus to others. As the coronavirus continues to spread, the WHO, citing 17,000 confirmed cases in China, announced that at least 82% of patients have mild symptoms. Huang Li-mingThe Infectious Diseases Society of TaiwanBased on reported data from different parts of the world, they found that the proportion of mild symptoms is actually quite high, accounting for over 80% of the coronavirus cases. Another 10% have severe symptoms, while critical cases amount to 2% to 4% of the total. This data is consistent with current estimates of the disease’s mortality rate. However, since mild symptoms are easily overlooked, they can accelerate the virus’ spread, as many people will not realize they are sick. This is the main challenge to preventing the spread of the virus. Huang Li-mingThe Infectious Diseases Society of TaiwanThe challenge here is that the virus can cause a lot of mild symptoms, and people let their guard down. If you don’t think you are seriously ill, you will continue to go about your everyday routine, so that’s why the virus has spread so fast. The CDC has three different measures in place according to a patient’s situation. If a person has returned from China’s Hubei province or has been in contact with a person confirmed to have the virus, they are placed in “home isolation” and are barred from going outside while they are monitored twice daily by the health authorities. The second measure known as “home quarantine” applies to Hong Kong and Macao residents, as well as people with a history of travel in China, Hong Kong and Macao. They are also barred from going outside for 14 days. The local borough warden or a similar administrator will check up on their health once a day. As for the third category of “independent health management,” individuals may leave the house within two weeks but must wear a mask and report any health issues immediately. Huang Li-mingThe Infectious Diseases Society of TaiwanThere are different levels of self health management. The strictest level bars you from going outdoors, while at another level, you can leave the house but you must wear a mask and not get too far away from home. And the over 1,700 Taiwanese who returned to Taiwan on the cruise ship “SuperStar Aquarius” have also been requested by the authorities to undergo the procedure of “independent health management.” Prevention is after all better than cure.

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