White Robes Family by Symmanayah is a channel that presents messages to those drawn by The Almighty Father Yahuah in Yahusha's name. One can discover information regarding the realities of end-times and what to expect in the coming days. There will be an emergence of a 144,000 Hebrews/Abrahym along with a Great Multitude consisting of both Hebrews/Abrahym & Gentile/Goym who seek to do the will of The Most High Yahuah. Together these are made one by Yahusha ha Mashyach. The primary content on this channel is directed to the set-apart children in the western hemisphere. Make no mistake there will be a gathering --- Final Exodus from the 4-corners of the earth.
Expect information, warnings and prophecy on this channel as I believe I am compelled to deliver from He who is the giver of life - The Almighty Yahuah in Yahusha's name. Shalum and welcome, come and examine the content of this channel as you are led.
Please note: - Not affiliated with anyone or organization with similar names -
#Yahuah #Yahusha #Yashar'al #HebrewIsraelites #Abrahym #WhiteRobesFamily
#TheFinalExodus #TheGreaterExodus #Watchman #Watchmen #Symmanayah #End-times #TheClosingScroll