
If you can Awaken the World to One Thing, What would it be? [Ep. 614]

If you can Awaken the World to One Thing, What would it be? [Ep. 614] Source:

If you can awaken the world to one important issue, what would it be? I asked the question on Facebook and received more than 100 different responses. Whether it be environmental issues, poverty, child abuse, ending animal cruelty, helping the homeless, cleaning our oceans, prison reform, and more. What cause is most important to you? Reggie Harvey author of Anatomy of a Patient joins me in the studio to discuss the real issues that our world faces. Rnold Smith creator of The Connection App and keynote speaker joins us to discuss what is important to him and how we can begin to make a change, real change, instead of just talking about doing it. It's up to us to help change the world, if you want to help change the world, you won't want to miss this show!!!

Calling all believers and activists!!! This is a show that may help you to find your true purpose!!!

(This is a live radio show that airs on USA Radio Networks, and sometimes in live radio, you have a glitch, when Rnold called in on the third segment there's an echo on my voice when I speak. Our board operator caught it and he was able to change phone lines. It is only a couple of minutes, apologies, however, this show is good and overcomes the glitch if this is a subject interesting to you. Thank you again!


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