
Mona and Linda Share their Experience of easily Clearing Desires to deny Light

Mona and Linda Share their Experience of easily Clearing Desires to deny Light Mona, Linda and Cay prayed to be given a means to go deeper to release the desire to deny Divine Light is here, and thus speed Spiritual Awakening. In this video they discuss how Jesus (a symbol of the Light within) answered the call to directly work with them to easily uncover and release the desire to deny that Light, and thus Love, is all there is.

In A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Jesus shares that all experience is desired experience and that desires to deny Love/Light can be cleared through miracles. ACIM lists all of the beliefs and desires that deny Light and thus peace and joy is here. Ch20 of Jesus: A New Covenant ACIM is a list of many of the core beliefs and desires from A Course in Miracles and Jesus is offering to work with anyone to clear these desires. Mona and Linda have been joining to go through Ch20 with Jesus, and in this video they share their experiences with the speed and ease offered by the release.

Mona: I have this concept [of how difficult it is to clear denials] and this is shocking me every time how quickly it moves through...are you kidding me?

Linda: It... zooms right to the core. It's very quick...many times I experience just that big hug and when we are finished I just feel like saying beam me up Jesus.

Cay: He's teaching us how to focus on his voice and speak his voice and... how much resistance there really is to letting that voice be our own…It’s [simply] admission of the denial and then
speaking [what he is saying]…he's teaching us the speed of the correction [accepting the miracle] really how he's in charge of the correction.

Linda: This is exactly what I need obviously so Jesus orchestrated it...absolutely since I started with with the group joining and doing chapter 20 I am feeling such a quick transitioning, yes opening opening opening and movement a lot faster than I have ever felt like mind expanding and the connection strengthening with Jesus.

Join a Light Circle to learn to hear Jesus' voice and be guided to clear denials of Light.

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