
Nurses relive horrific injuries of boy killed by mum as she thought he was gay - Today News

Nurses relive horrific injuries of boy killed by mum as she thought he was gay - Today News Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  Nurses who treated a schoolboy repeatedly tortured and battered by his mum and stepdad detailed the horrific injuries that killed him.  Alison Segal and Emily Rebar were on duty when Gabriel Fernandez was admitted to Antelope Valley Hospital in Los Angeles.  The eight-year-old later succumbed to the injuries he sustained during the sickening catalogue of abuse from Pearl Fernandez and Isauro Aguirre.  The evil pair, who have both been jailed, subjected the defenceless youngster to the attacks because they thought he was gay.  His short, tragic life, which ended in 2013, is the subject of Netflix's new documentary series The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.  Nurse Alison Segal gave shocking evidence during the trial about the extent of the despicable injuries Gabriel had, ABC 7 reports.  She said he had suffered BB gunshot wounds to his genitals, had cat litter in his stomach, burns over his body.  She added: "There were abrasions. There were open wounds. There was bruising. There was swelling. There was marks on the legs.  "There was skin missing off the top of the neck, so there were multiple injuries on Gabriel...head to toe."  Ms Segal added that Gabriel was place on a ventilator and his heart had stopped at least two times.  "They had to resuscitate him with extreme measures," she said.  Mrs Segal also added he had a low temperature of 88 degrees when he arrived.  Emily Rebar, a registered nurse, told the trial Gabriel was completely unresponsive and on life support.  She added: "Every inch of Gabriel was bruised and swollen. His skin was kind of a black and blue ... color. I remember he felt cold to the touch.  The Netflix programme explores the staggering systemic failures that allowed Gabriel to be abused, tortured and eventually murdered - despite teachers raising concerns to the authories.  Gabriel's brother Ezequiel, who was 12 when he died, has described some of the horrific abuse he saw carried out.  He said his little brother was tied up, gagged and locked in a tiny cabinet named 'The Box'. Gabriel was also forced to eat cat litter and had to take cold baths while being pepper sprayed.  Ezequiel says he was shot with a BB gun and hit with a belt. His teeth were knocked out with a baseball bat.  Ms Segal said Gabriel's killers had told doctors he had fallen in the shower but it was clear they were lying.  She also said he had teeth missing and cuts inside his mouth.  Pearl called 911 on May 22, 2013, to report that her son Gabriel had stopped breathing after slipping and hitting his head.  He was rushed to hospital and declared brain dead. He died two days later.  Before his tragic death, Gabriel confided in his teacher Jennifer Garcia and asked her a s

Crime,Gabriel's,Big Brother,Hospitals,Life sentence,Murder trial,Reality shows,

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