
Statistics: Ch 4 Probability in Statistics (39 of 74) Independent VS Mutually Exclusive Summarized

Statistics: Ch 4 Probability in Statistics (39 of 74) Independent VS Mutually Exclusive Summarized Visit for more math and science lectures!

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We will summarize the differences between independent and mutually exclusive events.
Mutually exclusive - 2 events cannot occur together. They do not intersect in a Venn diagram. If one occurs the other event cannot occur.
Independent - 2 events are independent when the outcome (or lack of outcome) of one cannot affect the outcome of the other.

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ilectureonline,,Mike,Mike van Biezen,van Biezen,ilecture,ilecture online,statistics,data,quantitative,Ch 4,chapter 4,probability,experimental,theoretical,frequency,heads,tails,trials,order pair,experiment,outcome,sample space,event,average,displacement,dice,relative,cumulative,defective,convergence,tree,diagram,Venn,loaded,Not,compliment,compound,Mutual,exclusive,independent,

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