
Teach your children how important it is to use Soap | Covid - 19

Teach your children how important it is to use Soap | Covid - 19 Teach your children how important it is to use soap

With the covid-19 virus being officially announced by the world health organisation as a global pandemic this week , the most important thing we can do to stop it's spread is ensuring we're washing our hands properly and often kids aren't usually the best at practising good hygiene , because well they're kids - so parents and teachers are using some creative techniques to help them understand the importance of washing their hands.One clever method parents are using is the pepper method, by filling a bowl of water , coating it with sprinkles of pepper , then asking their kids to dip their fingers in.

In this trick ,the pepper represents germs and when the kids Stick their hands in the ' germs' will stick ,demonstrating how just finding with water won't wash the germs away . Parent's then get their child to dip their finger in soap first ,before putting it in the again and magically the pepper is repelled , showing kids the importance of using soap


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