
The supernatural Divine Gift of the virtue of CHARITY...

The supernatural Divine Gift of the virtue of CHARITY... The supernatural Divine Gift of the virtue of CHARITY...the theological doctrine of the Church regarding the supernatural gift of the Holy Ghost, the virtue of charity, which is produced in the soul and by the cooperation of the soul's free will, being disposed to it by the grace of God through the movement of the Holy Ghost, thus the soul cannot fail in her fruits of charity, but this virtue is denied to be genuine and to bear such meritorious good fruits to those who do not belong to the Roman Catholic Church, and this in their lack of, or even because of their heretical fundamental denial of, the true Catholic belief, which denial is destructive of their salvation, and incapable thus of the true profession and practice of the Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, indeed, them therefore as heretics and wicked perverted souls, their lack of charity is visible so that they can and will be punished by God at the end for their denial of the Divine Commandment to love God and one's neighbor...

THEREFORE we have a true Sovereign Pontiff today, but solely according to the selection from God, and this because of sin in this anti-Catholic world, and so the Novus Ordo Protestant APOSTATE Sectarians cannot elect the Pope, as they lack the membership, canonical and clerical authority, and also, it is a direct HERESY to deny, as the sedevacantist heretics do, that God did intervene and selected His true Pope, as He did select the 1st Pope St. Peter the Apostle...And so is such FALSE “charity” from the truth lacking heretics, as this servant of Satan Sanborn, they all teach their heretical fabrications and thus lead countless souls to Hell !!!


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