
U Aung Win, an extraordinary Rohingya human rights activist from Sittwe passed away in Aung Minglar

U Aung Win, an extraordinary Rohingya  human rights activist from Sittwe passed away in Aung Minglar U Aung Win, an extraordinary Rohingya human rights activist from Sittwe passed away in Aung Minglar today.

He was uprooted along with over 120,000 Rohingya in 2012 when Rakhine extremists attacked Rohingya civilians in various townships across Rakhine State.

He​ held the firm belief that the rights and justice is essential for Rohingya. Over years while living in the Aung Minglar ghetto, he strived for the rights of Rohingya despite being denied the basic human rights.

U Aung Win who told in Al Jazeera's The Hidden Genocide that he would never leave his town and would die in his birthplace, leaves a huge legacy and aspiration die the remaining Rohingya in Myanmar to continue fighting for the justice.

Rest in peace!

26 February 2020


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