
Testing Roundabout #18 - Abhijeet Patil (Slalom) - 'How to practically balance the test pyramid'

Testing Roundabout #18 - Abhijeet Patil (Slalom) - 'How to practically balance the test pyramid' Abhijeet Patil, Lead QA at Slalom, gives a talk on 'How to practically balance the test pyramid'.
Testing Roundabout #18 - Abhijeet Patil (Slalom) - 'How to practically balance the test pyramid'
Testing Roundabout #18 - Abhijeet Patil (Slalom) - 'How to practically balance the test pyramid'
Testing Roundabout #18 - Abhijeet Patil (Slalom) - 'How to practically balance the test pyramid'

testing,slalom,test,pyramid,test pyramid,meetup,the roundabouts,testing roundabout,tech,london,

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